Get up after a good nights sleep. Get ready , a shirt , v neck jumper, burgundy cords . Have milky coffee. Put on black leather jacket and flat cap get little blue Toyota Yaris out of garage off to Heinzs shops . Purchase 1 can of strong larger 1 Northern Echo and some milk . Back home talk to Jimmy next door. Have breakfast porridge and milky coffee. Off to library to get autobiographies then a little mooch round previously owned shops maybe pick up another black leather jacket . Back home if Wednesday wash back kitchen floor if Tuesday go to Globe met with friends or weekends go to cricket club meet friends at whingers corner. Back home have strong larger read Northern Echo listen to James Blunt. Have tea lamb chops has to be thin and well done new potatoes rugby ball tomatoes. Relax watch car share have a little Famous Grouse off to bed . A really good day. Xxx